Add a Terms and Conditions to hirer confirmation emails

Andy Larking

Last Update 2 years ago

In situations where you need you hirers to agree to Terms & Conditions or perhaps confirm insurance details you can you include an 'extra Email Message' in the confirmation email. This works by providing a external link to a webpage that hirers can download the document(s) from (you probably already have this document saved online, but if not ask you IT Team for help)

This requires a small amount of html knowledge to complete and we provide an example.

Go to Administration - Lettings - Facility Manager, then open the Email Message.

In the Email Message window add the following html tag (this is an example, but adjust the text and URL as required) :

Click <a href=''>here</a> to view our Terms and Conditions

Will show in the actual email as...

Click here to view our Terms and Conditions

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